헤드라인[교양특강] 영미 문학 읽기
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- 영미문학
- 강좌 수
- 33
- 강의 목록
(클릭 시 바로 듣기) -
Fiction 1 - The Great Gatsby (1)자막
Fiction 2 - The Great Gatsby (2)자막
Fiction 3 - The Great Gatsby (3)자막
Fiction 4 - Frankenstein (1)자막
Fiction 5 - Frankenstein (2)자막
Fiction 6 - Frankenstein (3)자막
Fiction 7 - Pride and Prejudice (1)자막
Fiction 8 - Pride and Prejudice (2)자막
Fiction 9 - Pride and Prejudice (3)자막
Fiction 10 - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1)자막
Fiction 11 - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2)자막
Fiction 12 - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (3)자막
Fiction 13 - Moby Dick (1)자막
Fiction 14 - Moby Dick (2)자막
Fiction 15 - Moby Dick (3)자막
Fiction 16 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1)자막
Fiction 17 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2)자막
Fiction 18 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (3)자막
Poetry 1자막
Poetry 2자막
Poetry 3자막
Poetry 4자막
Poetry 5자막
Drama 1 - Pygmalion (1)자막
Drama 2 - Pygmalion (2)자막
Drama 3 - Pygmalion (3)자막
Drama 4 - Hamlet (1)자막
Drama 5 - Hamlet (2)자막
Drama 6 - Hamlet (3)자막
Drama 7 - Alice in Wonderland (1)자막
Drama 8 - Alice in Wonderland (2)자막
Drama 9 - Alice in Wonderland (3)자막
- 강좌 소개
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